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1. 问路与指路
– Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest subway station?(打扰一下,请问去最近的地铁站怎么走?)
– How far is it to the city center?(离市中心有多远?)
– Can you point me in the direction of the nearest bus stop?(能告诉我最近的公交车站在哪里吗?)

2. 订房与入住
– Do you have any available rooms for tonight?(今晚还有空房间吗?)
– How much is a single/double room per night?(单人房/双人房一晚多少钱?)
– Are there any extra charges for the internet or breakfast?(上网和早餐有额外费用吗?)
– Can I have a quiet room facing the park?(我能要一个朝向公园的安静房间吗?)
– What time is check-in/check-out?(入住/退房时间是多少?)

3. 交通与出行
– Is there a bus/subway that goes to the airport?(是否有去机场的公交车/地铁?)
– How often does the train/bus come?(火车/公交车多久一班?)
– How much is a taxi to the city center?(去市中心打的多少钱?)
– Can you recommend a car rental service?(你能推荐一家租车服务吗?)

4. 餐饮与点菜
– Do you have a table for two?(有两人桌吗?)
– What do you recommend for a vegetarian?(你们有什么素食推荐吗?)
– Can I see the menu, please?(请给我看一下菜单?)
– I\’ll have the seafood pasta, please.(我要一份海鲜意面。)

5. 旅行中的其他常用句型
– Can you take a photo for me, please?(你能帮我拍一张照片吗?)
– Where\’s the nearest ATM? I need to withdraw some cash.(最近的取款机在哪里?我需要取一些现金。)
– Is there any free Wi-Fi here?(这里有免费的Wi-Fi吗?)
– Can you recommend any local attractions?(你能推荐一些当地的景点




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