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1. 商务会议见面:
A: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. It\’s nice to meet you.
B: Good morning, Ms. Smith. The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
A: Of course. I\’ve heard a lot about your company and I\’m interested in exploring potential collaboration opportunities.
B: That sounds great. We\’re always open to new partnerships. Shall we proceed with the meeting agenda?

2. 学术会议见面:
A: Hello, Professor Johnson. I\’m a big fan of your research and it\’s an honor to meet you in person.
B: Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your support. Have you attended this conference before?
A: Yes, I\’ve been attending for a few years now. It\’s always a great opportunity to learn from experts like you.
B: I\’m glad to hear that. I hope you find my presentation valuable. Let\’s connect later and discuss

our common interests.

3. 社交聚会见面:
A: Hi, Jane. Long time no see. How have you been?
B: Hi, Tom. I\’ve been great, thanks. How about yourself?
A: Not too bad. I\’ve been busy with work lately, but it\’s good to see you here.
B: Likewise. It\’s always nice to catch up with old friends. Let\’s grab a drink and chat some more.

4. 面试见面:
A: Good afternoon. My name is Sarah, and I\’m here for the job interview.
B: Hi, Sarah. I\’m Mr. Johnson, the hiring manager. Nice to meet you. Please have a seat.
A: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. I\’m excited for the opportunity to interview with your company.
B: We\’re glad to have you. Can you briefly introduce yourself and tell me why you\’re interested in this position?
A: Sure. I have a strong background in marketing and I believe my skills align well with the job requirements. I\’m particularly drawn to your company\’s innovative approach.

5. 陌生人见面:
A: Excuse me, but are you new here? I haven\’t seen you before.
B: Yes, I just moved to this city recently. My name is Alex.
A: Nice to meet you, Alex. I\’m Emily. Welcome to the neighborhood. If you need any help settling in, feel free to ask.
B: Thank you, Emily. I appreciate your kindness. It\’s comforting to know there are friendly people around.



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