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discussion questions

1. what do you usually say to someone if you don’t understand what they are saying?

2. what special words do you usually use when explaining the steps in a sequence or process?

3. how important do you think it is to be polite and courteous in business discussions?

tran 听力文稿

hello and welcome back to the skills 360 podcast. i’m your host, tim simmons, and today i want look at some quick and easy hacks you can use to improve your business english.

business is all about relationships, and relationships are founded on goodcommunication. and while english may seem like a difficult language, being a great communicator and connecting with people isn\’t rocket science. you can learn just a few techniques that will take your business english skills to the next level. and i’m not talking about learning a thousand new words or someobscure rules of grammar. the tips i want to give you are fully within your grasp right now.

let’s start with a real easy one: keep it simple. use the language you know, and that your listeners know, to communicate your message in simple terms. do you really think a sophisticated vocabulary is going to impress people? or help you negotiate a good price from a supplier? probably not. and it won’t help you connect with people on a humanlevel. listen to any great political speech or watch any great presentation online, and you’ll notice that the speaker keeps things simple.

simple also means short, or concise. whyuse 50 words when you can use 15? everyone appreciates language that is clear and to-the-point. so keep it simple, and you’ll keep people engaged.

but what happens when other people don\’t keep it simple? communication is a two-way street, and sometimes you find yourself scratching your head at what someone else is saying. so what you really need to do is to clarify. and remember to be specific about what it is you don\’t understand. if a supplier tells you a part is “temporarily unavailable,” which isn\’t very clear, don’t just raise your eyebrows and say “pardon?” instead, say something like “what exactly do you mean when you say this part is temporarily unavailable?” that will encourage the speaker to be more specific.

another way to clarify is to check back and confirm. that sounds something like “so, you think we shouldn\’t build a new website, right?” or maybe it means saying “you\’re saying john is the best applicant, am i correct?” checking back and confirming is a great way to clarify because it poses a yes-no question. the person can either say “yes, that\’s what i mean,” or “no, that\’s not what i mean.” and if it\’s the latter, the person can then give it another shot. and you can bet they’ll be extra clear so you don’t have to ask again.

so, we\’ve talked about being simple and clarifying. now here’s another crucial technique for communicating clearly: connect your ideas. your ideas are, in fact, connected, right? so make that clear to your listeners. you can use simple linking words, like and, so, and but. or you can dress it up a bit with some more formal expressions. for example, you might say: “product a is the cheapest. however, cost is n

ot the only consideration. wealso need to think about quality. for this reason, i think we should go with product b.” can you hear how important those words“however” and “also” and “for this reason” are? these linking words help show the connection between your ideas. and they help listeners see your logic.

connecting your ideas can also mean showing a sequence. and once again, you don’t have to get fancy. basic words like“first,”“second,”“next,” and“lastly” can help people see where you’re going. but if you don’t connect your ideas, they will sound like a random collection of thoughts. and you yourself might have to answer some of those clarifying questions i just mentioned.

now there\’s one more business english hack i want to give you today: remember to be polite and courteous. after all, you\’re trying to connect with people and make a good impression, right? there\’s an old saying that goes like this: “people buy from people they like.” so be friendly and polite.

and being polite begins with those little words we call modals, like “could,” “might,” and “would.” whether you\’re making a suggestion, giving feedback, or asking permission, modals are your ticket to courtesy. and remember that questions are always better than we don\’t say“give me a pen.” instead, use a modal and a question and say: “could i have a pen?” you don\’t have to go over thetop, but with a simple, polite, and courteous approach, you’ll do great.

so, let\’s run through these four tips once again. first of all, i suggested keeping it simple to keep people engaged. next, i advised you to ask questions to clarify whenyou don\’t understand. then i talked about the importance of connecting your ideas so listeners can understand your train of thought. and finally, i suggested making sure you\’re friendly and polite. these are all great ways to communicate better and connect with people. but is that all there is to it? no, actually, i\’ve got a few more great techniques for you in our next episode. so be sure to tune in!

so long. and see you again soon.


你好,等待回到360技能播客。我是掌管tim simmons。今日,我想讲一金讲你们可以用来快速前进商务英语的简略小诀窍。




当别人“没有”做到坚持简略时,会发生啥呢?交流是双向的,有时你会感到对别人说的东西很利诱。因而你真实需要的是去弄清。记住:对你不了解的有些要加以清楚。假定有位供给商告诉你,某个部件“暂时没有”。对这样不是很清楚的表述,不要只是感到惊奇,说句\” 啥?“,而是要去问,比方” 你说这有些暂时没有,究竟是啥意思?“ 这样就促进说话者把?档糜泳咛濉?br>

弄清的另一种办法是再次核实和招认。听起来如同是比方”那么,你认为咱们不能树立一个新的网站,是吗?“ 或许或许意味着,”你是指乔治是最佳的提名人,你是这个意思吗?“ 再次核实和招认是用以弄清的极好的办法,因为它提出了”是“仍是”不是“的疑问。对方可以说”是的,这就是我的意思。“,也可以说”不,那不是我的意思。“ 假定是后者,对方可以再测验说明一下,保证他的表述对你来说非常清楚,不需要再发问。

好,咱们现已谈了要做到清楚和弄清。清楚交流还有另一项重要技能,即将你的观念联接起来。你的主意,实践上是有联络的,对吗?那么向你的听众展示理解这一点。你可以运用简略的联接词,比方而且,因而,可是。或许你可以用更正式的表达来做一点润饰。比方,你可以说:”a产品最为廉价。可是,本钱不是仅有的考量。咱们还要思考质量。因而,我想咱们大约选择b产品。” 你能听出“可是”,“还有,也”,以及”因而“这样的词汇有多重要的吗?这些相关词联接你的观念,而且协助听众看到其间的逻辑。


今日给你们的还有一个商务英语诀窍:记住要有礼貌,懂礼节。究竟,你在测验与人交流,给人以好的形象,是吗?有句古话是这样说的:“我们从他们喜爱的人那儿买东西。” 所以请友善有礼。

礼貌初步于一些小词,咱们称之为能愿动词,比方“可以”,“可以”,以及“情再铮不管你在提主张,给反应,仍是获得答应,动力动词是通向礼节的必经之路。记住疑问永久比指令强。因而,咱们不说“给我一支笔”,而是用一个能愿动词和一个问句,说:”可以给我一支笔吗?\” 你不需要太夸大,只需用简略、礼貌、有礼节的方法,你便可以做得很棒。




hack: a tip or trick to doing something efficiently or in a new way; “there are several websites dedicated to cool ikea hacks that show you how to combine idea items in new ways.”贴士,诀窍

to be founded on: to be based on; “a manager\’s decisions should be founded on the best information available at the time.” 根据…之上

not rocket science:relatively easy, or not as difficult as people think; “can i make a pdf from your word document? of course dave, it\’s not rocket science you know. i can show you how.”相对简略

to take something to the next level:to improve or develop something even more; “with expansion european markets, we’ll have millions of new potential customers and can take our revenue to the next level.” 前进到新的高度,推进

obscure: not well-known, or difficult to understand; “you might think it\’s fun to drive an expensive and obscure model of car, but what are you going to do when it breaks down and you need parts?” 不流通的,一般的

to be within your grasp:if something is“within your grasp,” then you are capable of obtaining or achieving it; “with the fireball 3000 microphone connected to your computer, studio quality recording capabilities are within your grasp.” 才能所及之内

sophisticated: advanced or complex; “the new york time stock exchange couldn\’t function as it does without all of the sophisticated computer programs facilitating thousands of transactions per minute.”凌乱的,领先的

on a human level:related to human relationships or concerning people and their emotions, rather than ideas or things; “gerald is a good technical manager and really knows the field, but he’s not the best at relating to staff on a human level.” 人道的层面的

concise:expressed simply and briefly; “you\’ve only got about 10 minutes to present to the executive team, so make sure you are really concise.” 精粹的

to-the-point:direct and relevant; “if you want an honest opinion about your design, ask vera. her feedback is always to-the-point, but still constructive.” 开宗明义,贴题的

engaged:attentive, involved in something, or actively participating; “we thought it would be fun not just to have a great christmas party, but to get all the staff engaged in actually planning it.” 专心的,活泼参加

a two-way street: a situation involving two people or groups working together or giving and taking equally; “you have to understand that these negotiations are a two-way street, and that you need to give something up if you want management to give you something.” 双向的,双行道

to scratch your head:if a person “scratches his head,” he is showing he is confused by something; “several people appeared to be scratching their heads when i explained the key ratios, so i went over it again, but more slowly.” 困惑,利诱

to raise your eyebrows: to move your eyebrows upward, to show surprise or disbelief;“jack, if you propose another round of budget cuts, leadership is going to raise their eyebrows and tell you it\’s impossible.” 惊奇,或不信赖

to pose a question: to ask a question; “the presenter started off by posing a really tough question to the audience; for the rest of his presentation, he answered that question.”提出疑问

latter:if you mention two things, then you can refer to the first as the“former”and the second as the“latter;”“we need to hire a new programmer and a certified energy manager; the former should be easy, because there are so many programmers out there, but the latter might be tough.” 后者

to give it another shot: to try again; “i didn\’t pass the certified general accountants exam last spring, so i\’m going to give it another shot this fall.”再试一次

“you can bet:” it is certain that; “once one gas station lowers its prices, you can bet the others on the same street will do the same.” 必定

to dress something up: to decorate or make something more formal; “listen ron, stop dressing up your criticism and just tell me directly what you didn’t like about my presentation.” 润饰,使正式

logic: the way that ideas are connected or the quality of ideas being reasonable; “if the government is saying that household debt is too high, i don’t see the logic in cutting interest rates further.逻辑

sequence: an order of things;“well, it looks like you completed all the steps in starting up the machine, but not in the write sequence.”次序,次序

to get fancy:to use complex instead of simple solutions or words; “it\’s fine if the introduction to the proposal is worded nicely, but don\’t get too fancy when it comes to explaining our solution. just make it simple and clear.”使花哨,繁琐

to see where someone is going:to understand how someone\’s ideas are connected;“first you talked about controlling spending, but now you\’re talking about new investments. i don\’t see where you\’re going with all this.” 了解或人主意的相关性

random:made or done without method or reason; “we conduct random drug tests on all athletes, but if there\’s cause for concern, we\’ll specific athletes for testing.”随机的,任意的

courteous:polite and respectful; “even if you disagree strongly with your colleagues in a meeting, you should remain courteous and voice your disagreement nicely.” 礼貌的,让人尊敬的

after all: all things considered, because of course; “i\’m sure wendy will be able to close the deal. after all, she\’s won the annual sales award three years in a row.”究竟

modals:a kind of helping verb that shows possibility, obligation, permission, or ability;“when making a request, the modal “could”is slightly more polite than the modal“can.”” 能愿动词

to be a ticket to something: a sure way of achieving something; “many self-made entrepreneurs will tell you that it\’s hard work, not luck, that is the real ticket to success.” 获得…的必经之路

courtesy:polite and respectful behaviour; “north americans doing business in asia must understand how important basic courtesy is in relationship-building.”礼仪

over the top:extreme, too much, or exaggerated; “todd, i think your solution to this little crisis is too over the top. we can’t really cut 200 staff to ensure a dividend for the shareholders next quarter.” 过度的,夸大的

to run through: to summarize or explain something briefly; “okay ladies and gentlemen, to finish up today i\’d like to run through some of the important decisions we’ve just made.” 扼要总结或说明

train of thought: a line of thinking or series of connected ideas; “okay, now, where were we. that was a great question, but i seem to have lost my train of thought. so… oh right, now i remember.” 思路

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