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module 1 hobbies

unit 1 what’s yourhobby?

一、快乐喜爱喜爱的词组:play computer games,play music, collect stamps, keep pets, make model ships, readbooks, take photos, make cakes, plant trees, grow flowers, study plants,listening to music, singing, dancing, drawing, play the piano,play chess, play basketball…


1.what’s your hobby? you like…? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.

3. i love/like…

4. i enjoy … (favourite) hobby is …

6.…is my (favourite) hobby. your hobby keeping pets? yes, it’s./ no, it isn’t.

三、要点精析: doing sth 喜爱做某事

如:i like listening tomusic. 我喜爱听音乐。

他喜爱集邮。_____________________________________ hobby is doing sth 我的喜爱是……

如:my hobby is readingbooks. 我的喜爱是看书。


3.more than… 多于…… , 跨越…… from 来自于

如:i have collected more than 3 hundred stampsfrom 20 countries.



4.every 每一的,每个的

everyday 每天every night 每晚every year 每年every friday 每周五

5.during + 时刻标明在某段时刻里

duringday 在白日during the summer holiday 在暑假期间

6.some of + 名词……中的一些

如:some ofthe students are from america. 这些学生中的一些来自美国。



1. i have a m______ plane. it can fly high.

2. i like playing music e_____ day.

3. does he like c______ stamps.

4. i like swimming d______ my holiday.

5. xiaoling’s hobby is m______ model ships.she has m____ t____ 50 ships.


( ) 1 do you collect ____, simon ?

a stamp b stamps c stampes d stampps

( ) 2 ____ stamp is my hobby.

a collect b collects c collecting d collected

( ) 3 my hobby is _____

a sing b singing c sings d singings

( ) 4 do you have ____stamps from china?

a some b much c little d any

( ) 5 these are some stamps ____ canada.

a of b from c at d on

( ) 6 is there a birthday card ____ me?

a of b for c from d on

( ) 7 tinna ____lots of stamps .

a have b has c having d haves

( ) 8 does he like any stamps?

a yes, hedoes. b no, he doesn’tlike. c yes, he likes. d no, he don’t.


about from during than

1. these letters are _______ japan.

2. lots of students enjoyplaying computer games _______the winter holiday.

3. it is _______one hundred meters long.

4. there are more ______ 35 students in myclass.

not do collecting from have

5. a: hello, do you collect stamps?

b: yes, ______stamps is my hobby. these are stamps ______canada.

a: do you _______any stamps from china?

b: no, i _____ ____.

四、阅览短文,正确的写“t ”,错的写“f ”

my dad works from monday tofriday in a bank. he uses the computer to count money. his job is veryimportant in the bank.

dad is also busy at weekends he cooks dinner. usually he cooks italian food. on sundays he makesfive pieces of pizza. sometimes he cooks chicken and makes chinese food. my mumwatches and helps him. i help my dad, too. i wash the dishes.

many people think it isstrange for a man to cook. but my dad enjoys his hobby. cooking relaxes him. heis a weekend cook.

( )1. my father’s job is using computer tocount money in a bank.

( )2. my father usually cooks chinese food.

( )3. i help my father cook dinner and mymother washes the dishes.

( )4. my father doesn’t like cooking.

( )5. on sunday he makes four pieces of pizza.

unit 2 his hobby is drawing

一、短语:write stories, do some reading, keepducks and chickens, draw cartoons…


1. what’s mike’s hobby? his hobby is …

2. when does mike usually draw? he usually draws ….

3. what does mike give his friends for theirbirthday?

4. what present does amy give to tom?

5. what does she want to do when she growsup? she wants to be a writer.


1. grow up 生长,长大want to do… 想要做…

如:whenlucy grows up she wants to be an english teacher.



2. very much 非常,很,非常

如:mr. wu can play the pianovery much.吴先生很会弹钢琴。


3. begin to do sth 初步做某事


4. be introuble 有费事,处于意外,堕入窘境

如:when you are in trouble, they will help you.




( ) 1 this stamp is ___ china.

a to b from c in

( ) 2 do you ___ stamps ?

a collect b collecting c make

( ) 3 janet__ _lots of stamps ____ 20 countries.

a have, in b have, from c has, from

( ) ___ at the pool is my hobby.

a swim b swimming c swims

( ) 5 do you like ______ to music?

a listen b listening c listens

( ) 6 do you have ___ stamps from china ?

a some b many c any

( ) 7 collecting stamps is my ___ .

a hobby b like c love

( ) 8 playing football ___ my hobby.

a is b am c are

( ) 9 there are some cards ___ canada.

a in b of c from

( ) 10 do you want _____ to china.

a. to go b. go c. going


1.i like ______ (take) photos.

2.this birthday card is from _______ (i) mother.

3.amy want _____ (go) fishing on saturday.

4.mike _________ (not like) taking photos.

5.when dave _______ (grow) up, he _____(want) to be a cook.

6.______ (draw) isn’t my hobby. my hobby is ______ (collect) stamps. i have morethan 200 _____(stamp) from 30 ______ (country).

7.mike takes his _______ (colour) pencils and _____ (draw) a picture.

8.sam likes _____ (play) football, but his brother ______ (do not) like it


1 、what’s your hobby?


2、do youlove playing kung fu?


3、whatdo you want to do when you grow up?


4、what’syour father’s hobby?


5、isyour hobby making model ships?


6、whendo you often read books?





module2 abilities

unit 3 i can swimvery fast

一、词组:readfast, jump high/far, run fast, sing well, dance well, help children learn, growfood for people, get news for people, make machines for people…


1.i can swim very fast.

2.what can you do? i can…

3.can he run fast? yes, he can. no, he can’t.

4.i’m good at drawing.

5.what are you good at?

三、要点精析: good at sth / doing sth 擅长某事,擅长做某事


2.let’s = let us

letsb do sth 让或人做某事

如:let’s go swimming together. 让咱们一同去游水吧。

让他来帮你。__________________________________ sb do sth 协助或人做某事

如:who can help children learn? 谁能协助学生学习呢?


4.for 为了


5.hope to do sth 期望做某事

如:i hopeto see you again.我期望再会到你。


6. praise 赞扬,赞许,赞誉praise for 因为…赞许

如:he praised her for her courage. 他赞许她的英勇。 proud of 骄傲,为……而骄傲

如:i am proud of being an english teacher. 我为作为一名英语教师而感到骄傲。




1.what can you _________(do)?

2 .i can ___________(clean) the classroom.

3. my sister can do many things at home,so she is very __________(help).

4. my mother can ________ (cook) themeal.

5. teachers can ____________________________(协助孩子学子).

6. let’s ______________________________(一同去游水).

7. doctors can ____________________ (协助患者).

8. are you _______________ (擅长)playing tennis?

9. workers can ________(make) machines forpeople.

10. he hopes __________ (win) a prize for histeam.


( ) 1. _____ can you do?

a. what b.who c.where

( ) 2.—can you dance well? — ________.

a.i can singwell. b.yes, i do. c.yes, i can.

( ) 3. ________ you helpful at home?.

a. do b. are c. can

( ) 4. let her _______ the door.

a. opens b. closes c. open

( ) 5.i am a good boy. i can ______ my parents do some house work.

a. helpful b. help. c. helping

( ) 6 .what can i do _____ you?

a.of b.for

( ) 7.we can help ________.

a. her b. she c. he

( ) 8. –can your father play basketball? —-_________________.

a .yes,she can b.yes,he can\’t,he can\’t.

( ) 9. he often helps ______ clean the room .

a. me b.i c. my

( ) 10. he usually ______ animals _______ his sister.

a. draw,with b. draws, with c. draws, for


()1.what can you do? a. yes, he is.

() you like swimming? b. no,i can’t.

() he good at singing? c.i can wash the window.

()4.canyou water the flowers? d. running is my hobby.

()5.what’s your hobby? e. no,i don’t.

( ) 6.does he help him? f.yes, he does.

unit 4 can you do myhomework?


1、canyou do my homework? yes, i can. no, i can’t.

2、whogives jiamin a present?

3、whatwill he do? he will become a clown.

4、whocan help me?


1、speak+ 某种言语

如:can you speak chinese?

2、do one’shomework 做家庭作业


3、talkwith sb 与或人谈天talk about 谈论某事



4、makesb do sth 使或人做某事

如:he always makes me laugh. 他老是让我大笑。




()1、what_____he do on sunday?

a、do b、does c、is

()2、what ____you like for lunch?

a、are b、do c、does

()3、how many people are there ______ your family?

a、in b、on c、with

()4、everyone______swimming very much.

a、like b、likes c、liking

()5、_____ time is it now?

a、how b、what c、when

()6、it’s time _____lunch.

a、for b、to c、for have

()7、she will _____to the park this morning.

a、goes b、go c、going

()8、can your brother______?

a、cook b、cooking c、cooks

()9、you can _____ in the park.

a、swim b、sleep on the bench c、take a walk

()10、can you help us____ ?

a、clean the room b、cleaning the room c、cleans the room

()11、ican sing ______.

a、good b、well c、bad

()12、can you help _______,mike?

a、he b、him c、his

()13、let’s help your father ______the flowers.

a、water b、waters c、watering

()14、whatcan he do?.

a、he does his homework. b、he can jump high. c、he wants to run.

()15、—can i take a book? —

a、yes, of course. b、yes, you are. c、yes,i can.

( )16、amy isgood at _____.

a、does the long jump. b、do the long jump. c、doing the long jump.

()17、canyou ____chinese?

a、say b、tell c、speak

()18、theman _____ playing kung fu.

a、is good at b、are good at b、is good for

( )19、i like____story.

a、speak b、tell c、telling

( )20、let’s_____ a walk in the park.

a、going b、go c、goes


( ) 1. what\’s your favorite food? a. i often play ping-pong.

( ) 2. what do you have for dinner? b. we have english and art.

( ) 3. what do you do on sundays? c. i like fish.

( ) 4. what day is it today? d. i have fish and rice.

( ) 5. what classes do you have on mondays? e. it\’s wednesday.

( ) 6. what\’s she like? f. she\’s tall and thin.

( ) 7. what isyour bobby? g. he can runfast.

( ) 8. what can he do? h. his hobby isplaying music.


my name’s john. i have a happy family. we can do housework. my father can cook the meals .my mother can wash the clothes. my brother can wash the dishes. my sister can set the table. i can put away the clothes. i love my family.

( ) 1.there are four people in john’s family.

( ) 2.john has a brother. he can set the table.

( ) 3.john’s father can cook the meals.

( ) 4.john’s clothes are dirty, his brother can help.

( ) 5.john has a happy family.

module3 daily life

unit 5 where is ben?

【单词回想】可以______ 找到_______ 冰淇淋______ 寻找____________

做训练___________ 在学校商铺__________ 做作业______________

一、短语:play music, take exercise, do one’s homework, eat icecream, go swimming, read books, winter holiday, summer holiday, in the musicroom, in the gym, in the classroom, at the school shop, at the swimming pool,at the library, in the playground, in his study, on the street, on weekdays,after school, after supper…


1.where is ben? he is at theswimming pool.

2.i often play football after school.

3.he likes skating.

4.does ben often go swimming? yes,he does. / no, he doesn’t.

5.what do you usually do after school? i usually do my homework.

6.where do you usually go in the afternoon? i usually go to the library.


1.频率副词:always老是usually 一般

often 常常sometimes 有时never 从不 one’s homework 做家庭作业

3.on weekdays 在作业日at the weekend 在周末 with 玩,捉弄,和…为伴

如:i want to play with you. 我想跟你一同玩。

5.look for 寻找

如:what do they look for? 他们在寻找啥?

6.stare at 凝视,盯着while 当……的时分

如:while he is playing computer games, his father stares athim.

当他在玩电脑的时分,他的父亲盯着他。 afraid of sth. / doing sth. 惧怕,忧虑,惊骇



8.does ben often go swimming? 本句中的主语ben是第三人称奇数。在一般如今时中,当主语是第三人称奇数时,谓语动词也要用第三人称奇数方法,即在动词原形后边加s或es。

注:1)人称代词he,she, it是第三人称奇数。

如:she reads english book every morning.


如:thedog likes running.

3)奇数可数名词或“this / that / the + 奇数可数名词”作主语时,是第三人称奇数。

如:a horse is a useful animal. this book is mine.

4)不定代词someone, somebody, nobody,everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称奇数。

如:someone is under the tree. this is a pen.


如:the milk is in the glass.


1)一般动词,直接在词尾加s。如:play—plays,want—-wants, get—-gets, like—-likes等。

2)以字母s、x、ch或o结束的动词加es。如:go—goes,do—does, watch—watches等。




1、在图书馆__________________ 2、在体育馆__________________

3、做家庭作业________________ 4、在游水池__________________

5、在周末____________________ 6、在作业日__________________

7、放学后____________________ 8、去看影片__________________

9、寻找______________________ 10、在大街上_________________

11、做运动___________________ 12、在书房__________________


( ) your photo in the drawer? ________.

a.yes, i am,it is c.yes,it is,i’m not

( )2. _____mr black? he’s inthe gym.

a.where b.where’s c.where’re d.where are

()3.________ under the tree? no,they aren’t.

a.where are b.what is c.are they it

( )4.where are your brothers? ________.

a.he is at home b.he is in his room c.yes,they are d.i don’t know

()5.what’s under the desk? ________.’s a football b.i can see a set of keys

c.they are red box d.there’s a cat

( )4. ______ these your parents ?

a. am b. are c. is d. is

( ) 6. ____ jim usually ___ afterschool???

a. do;goes b. does;goes?? c. do;go d. does;go

( ) 7.anny is ____her ruler?

a. lookat b. looking for c. looks for d. looking

( ) 8.__________ book is ___________ the floor.??

a. an;on b.a;under c. the;under d. the;on

( )9.—______are your friends???—they are ______ theclassroom(教室).

a. where;on b. how;in??c. where;in d. who;in??

( ) 10. ______i ask you questions, please standup.

a. while b. where c.who d. what


1.never, on, he, takes, weekdays, exercise.(连词成句)


2. my hat is on the dresser. (变为一般疑问句并做否定答复)

_________________________________ _____________________

3. the notebooks are on the floor. ( 就划线有些发问)


4.we are in beijing. (就划线有些发问)


5.she usually play music after school.(改为否定句并作出必定答复)

___________________________________ ______________________



( ) 1. where’s thegirl? a. they are in theroom.

( ) 2. what’s this inenglish? b. black.

( ) 3. what colour is thebag? c. yes, he is.

( ) 4. where are thewomen? d. yes, it’s.

( ) 5. is jacket in theclassroom? e. no, he doesn’t.

( ) 6. is this a computergame? f. yes, there is.

( ) 7. what’s yourhobby? g. yes, i can.

( ) 8. is there a tv on thetable? h. behind the door.

( ) 9. can you bring me yourphotos? i . myhobby is running.

( ) 10. does jim often eat icecream? j. it’s ablack bag.

unit 6 at the weekend

【单词回想】周末_______ 忙的______ 醒来______ 早的;早地______

太太______ 商场______ 儿子______ 少年宫________ 外面______

文娱____________ 影片院______ 很少地______ 停留______

一、句型:at the weekend, wake up, go out, havefun, go to the cinema, go to the library, stay at home, talk about, makebreakfast, children’s palace…


1.what do you do at the weekend? ioften help my mother do the housework.

2.sometimes tony likes staying at home and watching tv.

3.she always plays table tennis in the gym after class.

4.does your mother often go swimming at the weekend? yes, he does. / no, he doesn’t.


1. be busy with sth. 忙于做某事be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

如:she is busywith her children. 她忙于照看孩子。


2. wake up 醒来,唤醒,叫醒

be quiet. don’t wake up yourfather.

3. go out 外出go to the cinema 去影片院,看影片

stay at home 留在家里,呆在家里

4. talk with sb. 和或人谈天talk about sth. 与或人谈论某事


5. introduce 介绍,引入introduce myself 毛遂自荐

introduce sth. to sb. = introduce sb.sth. 介绍…给或人

如:letme introduce a friend to you. = let me introduce you a friend.



6. want to do sth. 想要做某事want sb. to do sth 想要或人做某事


7. most of + 复数名词大大都的……

如:mostof us 咱们大大都most of them 他们大大都most of tome 大有些时刻

8. make sb. + 描述词使或人… make sb. do sth. 使或人做某事


9. have fun = have a good time = enjoyoneself 玩的开心


10. 频率副词:





















1.tony __________(not sing )well.

2. my brother always _________(play) football on sundays.

3. i _________(like) fish, but mysister __________(not like).

4 .my sister and i often ______(go) to the zoo on sundays.

5. can you _______(speak) english and chinese?

6. every day she ______(get)up at 7:00 a.m.

7 .what _____ you usually ______(do) onsunday.

8. we _____(have) a good time.

9. he _______usually______(not do)his homework in the morning.

10. ______kate sometimes ______(watch) tv after school?

11. he likes ___________(呆在家里) and ____________(看电视) at the weekend.

12. does she often _________(去看影片)on saturday?

13. sally always ___________(醒来) very early.

14. mr li is _________(寻找) his watch.

15. the children ____________(玩得开心)in thechildren’s palace.


( ) 1.does he get up late _____ the weekend? yes. he gets up _____ nine.

a. in….on b at….at c on….. at d. on….in

( )2.lucy often helps his mother ______ the housework.

a. does b. with c. to d. for

( )3.let’s _______ volleyball together

a. go and playing b. goes and play c. go and play d. go and plays

( ) 4.xiao ming is _____ his classmates.

a. talkwith b. talkswith c. talkingwith d. talking about

( )5.does mary ________ at home? no. at a restaurant.

a. have supper b. has supper c. have a supper d. has a supper

( )6. i want you __________with me.

a. go swimming b. to go swim c. go swim d. to go swimming

( )7. canyou _____me an english story?

a. speak b. say c. tell d. spell

(. )8.______ is your brother? he is a doctor.

a. where b. who c. what d. when

( )9.______ is your mother? she is in thepark.

a. where b. who c. what d. when

( )10. he often helps me _______ the house.

a. cleans b. cleaning c. clean d. to cleaning

( )11. let’s _____ together after school.

a. go to school b. go home c. to go home d. to go to school

( )12. they ______ their hobby.

a.talking about b.are talking with c. are talking about d. talking with

( )13. what ______ dave usually _______ at the weekend?

a. does; does b. do; do c. does; do d. do; does

( )14. he is always busy ______ chinese on weekdays.

a. learning b. learn c. learns d. with learn

( )15. sometimes they ______ his grandparents on sunday.

a. visiting b. is visiting c. visit d. visits


1. the girl does her homework at home.(否定句)

the girl _____ ______ her homework at home.

2. millie does housework at the weekend.(变一般疑问句并作否定答复)

________millie _______housework at the weekend?


3. she doesn’t go to thecinema. (改为必定句)

she_____ ______ the cinema.

4. the boyis readinga book.( 对划线有些发问)

___ _____is readinga book?

5. amy’s mother is at home. ( 对划线有些发问)


6. tom usually stays at home and watchestvat the weekend. ( 对划线有些发问)


7. they do their homework in the evening.(改为否定句)


8.tom studies hard at school every day.(改成一般疑问句)


9. lucy often goes to the park at the weekend. (对划线有些发问)


10.she doesn’t listen to the teacher in class.(改成必定句)


11.i often read english in the morning(对划线有些发问)


12.she runs with her dog for fifteen minutes. (改成一般疑问句,并否定答复)




module4 foods and drinks

unit 7 do you wantcoffee or tea?

【单词回想】咖啡_______ 茶______ 喝;饮料_______ 牛奶______

某事;某物_______ 冷的_______ 热的_______ 可乐______ 深信_______

果汁______ 玻璃杯_______ 罐_______ 一杯……_______ 一瓶……______

一、词组:a cup oftea, a bottle of juice, a glass of water, a box of milk,

a can of coke…


1. do you want coffee or tea?

2. what do you want to drink for lunch? i want a large coke.

3. can i have a large coke?

4. what is your favourite food?


1. a bottle of 一瓶… a glassof 一杯… a boxof 一盒…

a cup of 一杯… a can of 一罐… a bowlof 一碗

2. something + 描述词

something cold something new something interesting



1、一杯茶_______________________ 2、一个鸡蛋_________________________

3、一些喝的东西_________________ 4、一些吃的东西______________________

5、给你_________________________ 6、两个面包__________________________

7、一碗米饭_____________________ 8、五罐可乐_________________________

9、一瓶饮料____________________ 10、三盒牛奶_________________________


1. eat,do, what, you, for, to, want, dinner?.


2.want,i, eat, a, to, hamburger.


3. drink,to, what, do, they, want?


4. much,is, the, how, dog, hot?




2.— whatdoesshe_____(want)?— she______(want)somerice.


4.we want three________ (can) coke.

5. ________ (thank) very much.


( )1. what do you want to ______? some chicken .

a. have b. eat c. drink

( ) 2.i want two ________.

a.hamburgers b. juice c. tea

( )3. how much is it ? two ______ .

a. dollar b. dollars c. yuans

( )4. ______apples do you want ?

a. how much b. how many c. how old

( ) 5. what ____ you want? a hot dog, please.

a. do b. does c. are

()6.what ____ daming want? a hot dog, please.

a. do b. does c. are

( ) 7. how much ____ the pen? two dollars.

a. is b. are c. be

( ) 8. ahamburger ______ good.

a. look b. looking c. looks

( )9. what does he want to ________ for lunch?

a. eat b. drinks c. drinking

( )10. i want two ______ of milk.

a. boxes b. box c. boxes

( )11. ______ she ______ coffee or tea?

a. does, wants b. do,wants d. does, want

()12. can i _____ a bottle of juice?

a. have b. has c. had

( )13. i want ____________.

a. something hot b. hotsomething c. cold something

( )14. i feel very hot. i want something ________.

a. cold b. hot c. warm

( )15. pleasegive something to eat. i am _______.

a. full b. hungry c. hot


a: hello,_____________________________________(您想要吃啥)?

b: i want a hot dog, please

a: and_______________________________________(您想要喝啥)?

b: i want ______________________(一罐可乐).

a: that’s one hot dog and one cola.

b: yes, _____________________________(多少钱)?

a: _____________________($3.50).

b: here you are.

a: thank you.


my father wants to eat_________________and drink ___________________. my mother wants to eat_______________ and drink _______________. and i want to eat some_______________ and drink ______________. it’s ____________yuan.

unit 8 let’s haveboth

【单词回想】两者都_________ 大约_______ 米;饭________ 饺子________

面条________ 赏识;喜爱________ 面包_______ 三文治________

炸薯条________ 忧虑_______ 第一道菜_________ 西红柿________

鸡蛋_________ 汤________ 首要的_______ 每自个;一切人________

初步_________ 巧克力________ 期望________ 马铃薯_______ 甜品______

蔬菜_________ 肉___________ 主菜_____________

一、词组:good idea, main course, fly away, put… , flyback, at last,

againand again, come up to…


1. let’s have both.

2. what should we have for dinner?

3. i want some snacks.

4. my english friends enjoy bread, sandwiches,hamburgers, and fish and chips.

5. lingling will make egg soup for starter.

6. they will have fish and vegetables for themain course.

7. i hope everyone will like it.


1. both (两者)都

如:he both speaks and writes chinese. 他既会说也会写中文。


2. like to do sth. 想要做某事like doing sth. 喜爱做某事

如:ilike to eat fish and potatoes.

helikes swimming.

3. enjoy sth. / enjoy doing sth. 喜爱…. / 喜爱做……



4. fly away 飞走fly back 飞回put… … 把… 放进…

again and again 一次又一次come up to 抵达,等于

come back 回来at last 最终





1. i want ________for lunch.

a. cold something b. hot something c. something hot

2. there are three _____on the table.

a. glass of water b. glasses of water c. glass with water

3. i hope my chinese friends _______chocolatecake.

a. like b. likes c. are

4. xiaoling will make egg soup _______starer.

a. with b. of c. for

5. for the main course we can have _________.

a. fish and rice b. fish and cake c. rice and cake

6. i want to have a cup of tea ______milk.

a. for b. of c. with

7. does everyone ______dumplings?

a. enjoy b. enjoys c. enjoying

8. today is _______birthday.

a. joe b. joe’s c. joes

9. it’stime ______ dinner.

a.of b. for c. to

10. it’s time ______ get up.

a.of b. for c. to


1. 我想要和一杯奶茶。


2. 我能喝一杯大杯的可乐吗?


3. i want something cold.


4. for starts we can have tomato and eggsoup.


5. 我期望我们都喜爱巧克力蛋糕。



1. what do you want to eat for dinner?


2. what do you want to drink for lunch?


3. does your father like drinking tea?


4. do you like sandwich?


5. what time do you usually have breakfast?



mike is a factory worker. he is often verytired after a day\’s work. his wife, jenny, has no job, so she stays at home tocook the meals. every day he can have his dinner when he gets home from hisfactory. one day, mike came home very late because he was very busy in thefactory. he was very hungry when he got home. he was not happy when he foundhis dinner was not ready. he was very angry with his wife. he shouted at her,\”i\’m going out to eat in a restaurant.\” \”wait for five minutes,\”said his wife. \”why? do you think that dinner will be ready in fiveminutes?\” asked mike. \”of course not,\” she answered. \”but ican be ready to go with you in five minutes.\”

1. mike works in________.

a. a factory b. an office c. aschool

2. jenny stays at home because ________.

a. she likes cooking

b. she loves her husband very much

c. she doesn\’t have a job

3. one day, mike came home very latebecause________.

a. he wanted to have dinner in a restaurant

b. he was verybusy

c. he was angry with his wife

4. mike was_______when he found his dinnerwas not ready.

a. happy b.glad c.not happy

5. which sentence is correct?

a. jenny could have dinner ready in fiveminutes.

b. jenny wanted to go to the restaurant withher husband.

c. jenny didn\’t like the dinner at home.

module5 foods we need

unit 9 it smellsdelicious

【单词回想】闻起来_______ 好吃的;甘旨的_______ 首要_______ 咸的_____

甜的;糖块________ 安康的________ 等候_______ 恰当地;非常__________

饿的________ 新鲜的________ 尝起来;口味________ 来吧_________

一、描绘食物的描述词:fresh, sweet, salty, delicious, good, healthy…


1. itsmells / tastes / looks good.

2.they are very salty / hot / sweet / delicious.

3.what do you think of the food?


1. it’s time for sth. it’s time to do sth. 是时分……

it’stime for lunch. it’s time to getup.

2. healthy 安康的healthyfood 安康食物health 安康

3. it smells delicious. 它闻起来很香。

“it smells + 描述词. ”意为?牌鹄础!闭舛膕mell是感官动词,意为“闻起来”。常用的感官动词有look(看起来),taste(尝起来),sound(听起来)等。

如:itlooks fresh. it tastes salty. it sounds great.

4. they are very salty. 它们很咸。

描绘食物或饮料的口味或特征时,常用“it is / theyare + 描述词.”前面还可以加上very(非常),quite(恰当),too(太),so(如此)等。常用来描绘食物或饮料的描述词有:

hot 辣的sweet 甜的sour 酸的salty 咸的

delicious 甘旨的good 好的fresh 新鲜的healthy 安康的

5. what do you think of the food? 你认为这食物怎么样?

“what do you think of …?”意思是“你认为……怎么样?”后边可跟或人、某物或某事。也可以用“howdo you like…?”来表达相同的意思。



( ) 1. don’t eat that meat. it smells________.

a.dirty b. delicious c. bad

( ) 2. what do you think of the fish?

a. it’s ten yuan. b. it’s healthy. c. i am hungry.

( )3. i am eating cookies. do you want to _______one?

a. make, taste b. making, taste c. made, taste

( )4. look! the butterflies are flying here and there. they look very _________.

a. beautiful b. beautifully c. beauty

( )5. that’s a good idea! it sounds ____________.

a. interested b. interesting c. interest

( )6. birthday cake is ready now, and it _______ nice. would you like some?

a. smells b. feels c. sounds

( )7. it’s time for lunch. what do you want to eat?

a. egg andrice b. coke c. milk

( )8. oh, the vegetables have too much sugar. they’re taste ______.

a. salty b. hot c. sweet

( )9. do you like hot food?

a. yes, i like b. yes, ido. c. yes, i don’t.

( )10. we don’t have ______.

a. egg b. apple c. milk


1. where is david? a. yes,i do.

2. how much is the chicken? b. he’s at thelibrary.

3. what’s your bobby? c. no, hecan’t.

4. do you want some milk? d. my hobby is singing.

5. can he swim? e. it’s good.

6. does your sister often play chess afterschool? f. yes, he does.

7. does his brother like drawing? g. it’s sixty yuan.

8. what do you think of the chicken? h. yes, she does.


1. of,think, what, the, you, food, do, ?(连词成句)


2. 那么多东西可以尝。我等不及了!(翻译)


3. 我期望你们喜爱。


4. my favourite food is hot dog. (划线有些发问)


5. those apples taste fresh. (划线有些发问)


6. what do you want to drink for lunch?(根据实践情况答复)


7. what do you think of chips? (根据实践情况答复)


8. i want to eat two eggsfor mybreakfast. (划线有些发问)



manypeople like apples, because apples are tasty and healthy. they’re very goodfruits. an apple a day keeps the doctor away. vegetables, such as cabbage,eggplant are healthy for us, too. but many kids don’t like vegetables. theylike meat. they eat pork, beef and mutton so much. meat is helpful, but too muchmeat is bad for our health. so remember, always eat more fruits, morevegetables but less meat.

1. apples are good for ourhealth. ( )

2.many kids eat cabbage toomuch. ( )

3.meat is bad for our healthy. don’t eat anymeat. ( )

4.more fruits, more vegetables are good for us. ( )

5.many kids like meat much more thanvegetables. ( )

unit 10 differenttastes

【单词回想】不一样的__________ 西方的__________ 筷子__________

碗_______ 盘子;碟________ 刀___________ 比方___________

酸的_________ 最;大大都_______ 也__________ 点心__________

薄饼_________ 可怕的_______ 例如_________ 许多的;许多_________

一、短语:come on, forexample, plenty of, different tastes, in the west, on a plate, salty food, hotfood…


1. do you know that people in china havedifferent tastes?

2. chinese people eat with chopsticks andbowls.

3. chinese people like eating rice ornoodles, but western people ear bread.

4. people usually eat their meats on a platewith a knife and fork.


1. different 不一样的be different from… 与……不一样

如:he is different from his brother.

2.plenty of 许多的;许多的近义词:lots of a lot of you know that people in china have different tastes?


分析:这个语句是宾语从句的一般疑问句。主句是:“do you know”,从句是“peoplein china have different tastes”,从句是陈述语序。“do you know that…?”后边常接语句作宾语,标明“你晓得……吗?”

4.chinesepeople eat with chopsticks and bowls.


分析:“…eatwith…”意为“……用……吃。”这儿的“with”标明“用;以”。chopstick常以复数方法chopsticks呈现。一双筷子:a pair of chopsticks



( ) 1. i don’t like grapes._____sour.

a. they are b. it’s c. they’re

( ) 2. tomatoes _____my favorite.

a. is b. are c. like

( ) 3. i’m hungry. _____go to arestaurant.

a. let b. let’s c. lets

( ) 4. cabbage and cucumber are______.

a. meat b. vegetables c. fruit

( ) 5. oh! these noodles are _______salty.

a. to b. two c. too

( ) 6. it’s 6:30p.m. let’s have _______.

a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner

( ) 7. chicken and mutton are ______.

a. fruits b. meat c. vegetables

( ) 8. on mid-autumn day, people usually eat ______.

a. zongzi b. mooncake c. dumplings

( ) 9. ice cream usually tastes ______.

a. salty b.sour c. sweet

( ) 10. peopleusually eat their meats on a plate ______ a knife and fork.

a. for b. with c. on

( ) 11. orange juice is healthy ______ me!

a. with b.for c. at

( ) 12. –i’mhungry, mom.

-oh! mew mew is hungry, ______.

a. to b.two c. too


1. watermelon is _______ (i)favorite fruit.

2. your school menu________ (sound) very good.

3. i don’t like __________ (orange).they’re ________(酸的).

4. usually different people havedifferent ________ (taste).

5. the hamburger __________ (taste)good. it’s favorite.

6. oh! the noodles are too_________ (salt).

7. chinesepeople eat with ___________ (chopstick) and _________(bowl).

8. they like_____________ (辣的食物).


a b

1.what do you have for breakfasttoday? myfavorite food is fish.

2.what would you like forlunch? no,we have cabbage and mutton.

3.what’s your favorite food? i have pork and cabbage for breakfast. you have anynoodles? i’dlike some fish and noodles.


zip: ilike pears. they are sweet. what’s your favorite fruit,rabbit?

rabbit: ilike carrot. it’s tasty for me.

m: idon’t like carrot. but i like carrot juice. it’s healthy.

zoom: iscarrot juice your favorite drink, m?

m: ofcourse not. bananas are my favorite. what about you, zoom?

zoom: ha!guess. my favorite fruit is round and very big. it’s green.

it’ssweet and juicy. we often eat it in summers. what is it?

zip: iknow!

1.what’s zip’s favorite fruit?


2. whatdoes rabbit like?

___________________________________________________________ 3. ism’s favorite drink carrot juice?


4. whatis m’s favorite fruit?


5. whatis zoom’s favorite fruit? do you know?



下面给你供给了一个schoolmenu。请你根据合理的膳食,为每天资配不一样的食物,并填写下面一则ad(广告),把你的school menu向我们宣传一下!


school menu


rice +eggplant + pork + carrot juice


bread + ()+ ()


( ) + beef + ( )


( ) + + ( ) + apple juice


noodles + (    )+ (   )+(   )

goodnews! we have a new schoolmenu. look, on monday, we have_______, __________, _________and ____________ .on tuesday, we have bread ,_____________ and_________. on__________ you can eat___________, beef,____________ and ___________ .on thursday, wehave_________,______________, ________ and apple juice. onfriday, here are noodles,________, ___________ and _______________ .

everything is tasty, and i am sure there must be something your favorite. comeon, boys and girls! don’t wait!

see you tomorrow.

module6 weather

unit 11 what’s theweather like today?

【单词回想】气候__________ 云____________ 多云的_________

雨;下雨________ 再;再一次_________ 湿润的_______ 英国________

太阳_________ 阳光足够的_________ 单调的_________ 户外_________

温暖的_________ 刮风的__________ 凉快的________ 穿__________

雪__________ 下雪的_________ 雪人_________ 某一天__________

一、描绘气候的描述词:warm,hot, cool, cold, snow, cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy, dry, wet…

短语:someday, in the snow, heavy snow, make a snowman…


1.what’s the weather like in beijing in winter? it’s cold. is the weather like in october? it’s windy and cool.’s cold / hot / cool here.’s sunny / cloudy / snowy / dry / wet.

5.i hope i can visit england some day.


what’s the weather likeengland now? 英格兰如今气候怎么样?

分析:“what’s the weather like in…?”是问询气候的常用语,其间weather意为“气候”,in后边可以接标明时刻(如spring,summer等)或地址(如beijing, london)等的词。答复时,可以用“it’s+ 标明日气情况的描述词.”

如:——– what’s the weather like in summer?

——– it’s hot.

一起,它的同义句型为“how is the weather in…?”



( ) 1. a. wear b. hot c. warm d. cold

( ) 2. a. rainy b. snowy c. weather d. cloudy

( ) 3. a. shirt b. jacket c. sweater d. shoes

( ) 4. a. coat b. cold c. sweater d. shirt

( ) 5. a. play b. wear c. umbrella d. take

( ) 6. a. windy b. window c. sunny d. cloudy

( ) 7. a. yellow b. blue c. warm d. white

( ) 8. a. three b. cool c. six d. eight


( )1、________ the weather like today?

a、what b、what’s c、where’s d、how

( )2、a:_______are the desks? b:in the classroom.

a、how b、where c、where’s d、where’re

( )3、it’s _______today.

a、sun b、a sun c、sunny d、sundy

( )4、a:can i wear my new dress today? b:______________.

a、yes, you can’t. b、no, you can. c、no, you can’t. d、yes, you are.

( )5、today is very cold. i _______ wear my t-shirt.

a、can b、can\’t c、not d、do

( )7、_______ i visit your new computer room?

( )8、is windy in kunming?

a、yes, is it. b、yes, it is. c、no, it is. d、no, is not.

( )9、today is very can\’t wear your ______.

a、skirt b、dress c、coat d、black

( ) 10、– _______ the weathertoday? —-it’s rainy.

a、what’s b、where c、whose d、how


1. it is very ________ (炽热的)in chongqing in summer.

2. it is very ________ (严寒的)in harbing in winter.

3. it is very ________ (温暖的)in kunming in a year. is _______ (凉快的)in jinan in fall.’s so _______ (cloud). it will rain soon.’s usually very ______ (sun)andwarm on england.’s cold and _____(snow)indecember. so you can make a _____ (snow).’s ______ (wind) and cool. we can wear ______ (hat) and _____ (coat).


today is sunday. the weather is warm and windy. i can wear my shirt and jeans. i fly a kite on the playground. tom and jack wear their t-shirt and shorts. they play football. but in harbin, it\’s cold. it\’s snowy. people put on their coat and hats. they can make a snowman and skate. it’s funny.

()’s cloudy and windy today.

()\’s windy. so i can fly a kite.

()\’s hot. tom can wear his t-shirt and shorts.

()\’s snowy in harbin today.

()5.i can make a snowman, too.


hello,my name is linlin. i am from dongguan. it’s sunny’s hot too.

i can wear my t-shirt and t-shirt is green.the shorts are white.i have a new skirt. it’s yellow. but it’s too small.i want to buy a dress, too.

()1、what’s the weather like in dongguan?

a. it’s warm. b. it’s cold. c. it‘s sunny and hot.

()2、what colour is the t-shirt?

a.yellow c. white

()3、linlin has a new ______________

a.sweater b. dress c.skirt

()4、linlin comes from ______________

a.guangzhou b. beijing c.dongguan

()5、linlin wears ______________ today 。

a.t-shirt and shorts b. dress c. skirt

unit 12 four seasonin a day

【单词回想】时节________ 亲爱的________ 陈述__________ 温度_______

度____   ......之前_____   在外面____   改动_____

灵敏地_______ 脱离_______ 改动________ (阳光)照耀___________

强烈地;尽力地______ 雨伞_______ 结束______ 走路__________

真实的______ 你的;你们的______ 穿上____  午饭时刻_____

一、短语:puton, my first day, something interesting, start to shone, at lunchtime, rainhard, in one day…


1.the temperature was only 15℃.

2.i learned something interesting about the weather here.

3.i put on my coat and walked home.

4.there was no rain.

5.the weather is cold and wet.


1.before ……之前对应词:after ……之后



2.put on 穿上put on your coat. 穿上你的大衣。

留心:put on 偏重穿上的动作,而wear 偏重穿戴的状况。

3.something interesting 一些风趣的东西

留心:something 跟描述词连用时,描述词要后置。如:something boring

4.there was no rain. 没有雨。

分析:there was / were no… 可用来描绘曩昔某处没有或人某物。no后边可以直接加名词。

5.what’s the temperature? 温度多少?

分析:what’s the temperature? 这是问答气温的常用句型。答复时,一般要用it’s + 数字+ 单位。一起,咱们也可以用howmany degrees? 来问询温度。



2)规划:主语+ 动词的曩昔式+ 其他.

3)提示词:ago(twohours ago等, yesterday, the day before yesterday, lastweek, last year, last night, last month,this morning, in 1999, at the age of… just now, long ago…


(1).动词直接加“ed”:work——worked look——looked…

(2).以不发音的字母“e”结束的单词,直接加“d”:live——lived hope——hoped use——used…

(3). 以子音字母+y结束的,变y为i加“ed”:study——studied carry——carried worry——worried…

(4). 以元音字母+y结束的,直接加“ed”:enjoy——enjoyed play——played…

(5). 以重读闭音节结束的,双写最终的子音字母+ed:stop——stopped plan——planned…

(6). 不规则改变的动词曩昔式:

have—had are—were get—got say—said feel—felt do/does—did

is—was go—went drink–drank eat–ate bring—-brought think—-thought buy—-bought catch—- caught teach —- taught sit—-sat wear—-wore cut—-cut sweep—-swept sleep——slept become—-became run—-ran

read—-read meet—-met win—-won write—-wrote make—-made


1)be—-was / were

必定句:主语+ was /were +… 否定句:主语+ wasn’t/ weren’t +…

一般疑问句:was /were +主语+ …? 必定答复:yes, 主语+ was /were. 否定答复:no,主语+ wasn’t / weren’t.


必定句:主语+ 动词曩昔式+ … 否定句:主语+ didn’t + 动词原形+…

一般疑问句:did + 主语+ 动词原形+ …? 必定答复:yes, 主语+did. 否定答复:no, + 主语+ didn’t.



1. tom and mary ___________ (come) tochina last month.

2. mike _________________(not go) tobed until 12 o\’clock last night. so he ______ (get) up late.

3. mary __________ (read) englishyesterday morning.

4. tom ___________ (begin) to learnchinese last year.

5. my mother ________________ (not do)housework yesterday.

6. there ____________ a telephone callfor you just now. (be)

7. -when _______ you _________ (come)to china?-last year.

8. _________ (be) it cold in your cityyesterday?

9. how many people ________ (be) therein your class last term?

10. there ________ (be) a footballmatch on tv yesterday evening, but i _________ (have) no time to watch it.


例: ihadlunchat 12 o’clock yesterday.

否定句: ididn’t have lunch at 12 o’clock yesterday.

一般疑问句: didyou have lunch at 12 o’clock?

必定 /否定答复: yes, i did. no, i didn’t.

对划线有些发问: what did you do at 12 o’clock yesterday.

1. the children had a good time in thepark.





2.there were about nine hundred people at the concert.




3.ann did her homeworkyesterday evening.




4.last week i read an english book.




对划线有些发问:____________________________________ brother was in the parkjust now.






1.the __________(气温) falls below zero atnight. you listen to the weather __________(陈述) every day?’s raining _______(强烈地). i have no ________ (雨伞).

4.we have a lot of __________(阳光)here in summer.\’s __________(多云的)today.


( ) 1. ______ the weather like today?

a. what b. how c. what’s

( ) 2. look, it’s _____. but yesterday it______ sunny.

a. rains, is b. raining, was c. raining, is

( ) 3. my father______ill yesterday.

a. isn\’t b. aren\’t c. wasn\’t

( ) 4. _____ is the best time _____ make asnowman.

a. autumn, to b. winter, to c. winter, for

( ) 5. it is very ____ in october, so you canwear a shirt.

a. cold b. hot c. cool

( ) 6. —who was on duty last friday﹖


a.i am b. i was, i wasn\’t

( )7. _ ___ he____ football two days ago?

a. does, play b. did, played c. did, play

( ) 8. it’s a ______ morning.

a. sun b. suny c. sunny

( ) 9. in autumn, it’s cool and windy. so, wecan _______.

a. flying kites b. fly kites c. flies kites

( ) 10. how can i go home _______ school?

a. after b. during c. at


1. 我过了一个繁忙的周末。

i _________ _________ __________ __________ weekend.

2. jenny喜爱看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。

jenny likes _________ __________. she _________ an english book last night.


today was ________ ________ _________ inchina.


i learned ______________ aboutengland.


i _______ ________ my coat and walked home.

三、改错题。 is jane yesterday? _____________________

2.he go to school by bus last week. ____________________________

3.he often goes home at 6:00 last month. ____________________________

4.i can fly kites seven years ago. ______________________________

5.did you saw him just now. ____________________________________

6.tom wasn’t watch tv last night. ____________________________________

7.i didn’t my homework yesterday. ____________________________________

8.he wait for you three hours ago. ______

9.who find it just now ? _________________

10.what make him cry just now? _______


1.what’s the weather like in guangzhou now?


2.what’s your favourite season?


3.what is the weather like in spring?

________________________ you like winter? why?

________________________ it a sunny day?


6.which season do you like best?



in england winter is notvery cold and summer is not very hot. there 1 agreat difference between summer and winter. why is this?

england has a warm winterand a 2 summer because it is an island winter the sea is 3 than the land. the winds from thesea carries warm air 4 summer the sea is cooler than the land. the winds from the sea bring coolair to england.

the 5 winds blow ( 吹) overengland all the year round. they blow from the southwest(西南).they are 6 winds. they bring 7 to england all the year round. england has a lot ofrain all the year round. the west of england is 8 thanthe east. more rain falls there.

the four seasons areall 9 months long. if you want to visit england,you can go there in 10 .

( ) 1. a.isn\’t b. doesn\’t have d. has

( ) 2. a.cold b. cool d. warm

( ) 3. a.warmer b.warm c. hot d. hotter

( ) 4. a. to b. from c. for d. of

( ) 5. a. west b.east c. southeast d.southwest

( ) 6. b.winter c. wet d. cold

( ) 7. b.rain c. cold d. snow

( ) 8. a.wet b.drier c.wetter d. colder

( ) 9. a.two b.four c.three d. same

( )10. a.spring b.autumn c. winter d. each season


there are four seasons in ayear: spring, summer, autumn and winter. each season has three months.

spring is the first seasonof the year. in this part of the world, the spring months are march, april andmay. in spring, the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green. this is abusy time for the peasants.

summer begins in june. thencome july and august. during the summer months, the plants and flowers are attheir best.

next come the autumnmonths: september, october and november. autumn is a wonderful season. thefields are golden with crops. it is the time for harvest and the peasants arevery busy. winter is the last season of the year. december, january and febmaryare the winter months, it is cold in winter. the days are short and the nightsare long. in many places it snows. on new year\’s day, we wish each other ahappy new year.

( ) 1. how many season in a year? each seasonhas ______ months.

a. four; four b. four; three c. four; five d. three; four

( ) 2. what is the weather like in spring?

a. hot b. warm c. cool d. cold

( ) 3.__________the plants and flowers are attheir best.

a. during the winter b. during the spring

c. during the autumn d. during the summer

( ) 4. autumn begins in __________.

a. june b. september c. july d. octomber

( ) 5. autumn is best time for _______.

a. planting b. growing c. snowing d. harvest

七、写作:which season do you like best? why?




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