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enjoying the holiday
do some housework, make an english video to introduce a chinese custom, read aloud home letters by fu lei, run for an hour every day.
these things are part of the winter holiday homework of ma yan, an eighth-grader from tianjin. during the first long holiday after the “double reduction” policy(双减政策)was introduced, ma found herself doing more practice-based learning instead of always having her nose in workbooks(练习册). “i felt more relaxed this holiday,???since the homework is clearly much less and more enjoyable,” said ma. with more free time, ma said she could also develop new hobbies like skating and stargazing(天文观测).
like ma, many junior high school students welcomed the changes brought by the policy. liu yang, 14, said she visited the tianjin science and technology museum, as part of her homework. “we did some experiments there. its more fun than memorizing things from books,” liu said. another big difference for liu is that she doesnt have tutoring classes(课外辅导班)anymore. “this gives me more time to play badmn and i gradually(逐渐)get healthier.”
some students, however, feel anxious(焦虑的)?about the changes. “i used to take many tutoring classes,???but now ive lost their instruction(指导)?and need to make progress on my own,” said ninth-grader zhou xiuwei from nanjing, “i felt more stressed this holiday.”
the goal of the double reduction policy, according to wang jian, director of the education department at shanghai normal university(上海师范大学)is to let students learn more efficiently(有效地)and develop all-round abilities. “its challenging for students to be independent and self-directed(自主的)learners, but this will help them become more creative and find their true gifts,” wang told xinminweekly(新民周报).
56.what didnt the writer mention about ma yans winter holiday life? some housework.? ? ? ? ? ? ? b.have piano lessons. for an hour.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??d.make an english video.
57.why did ma yan

feel more relaxed this holiday?
a.because she did some housework.
b.because she could develop new hobbies.
c.because she read the book home letters by fu lei.
d.because her homework was much less and more enjoyable.
58.where did liu yang go during the holiday?
a.she went to nanjing.
b.she went to some tutoring classes.
c.she went to shanghai normal university.
d.she went to the tianjin science and technology museum.
59.zhou xiuwei felt________after the “double reduction” policy was introduced.
a.boring and sad ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???b.happy and relaxed
c.anxious and stressed? ? ? ? ? ? ??d.creative and independent
60.whats the goal of the double reduction policy? let the students have enough time to play and do housework. let students learn more efficiently and develop all-round abilities. let the students develop new hobbies like skating and stargazing. let the students have more time to play badmn and get healthier.
细节理解题。根据第一段“do some housework, make an english video to introduce a chinese custom, read aloud home letters by fu lei, run for an hour every day.”以及第二段开头“these things are part of the winter holiday homework of ma yan, an eighth-grader from tianjin.”可知,提到了做作业、跑步一小时以及制作英语视频,而其中没有提到上钢琴课。故选b。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“i felt more relaxed this holiday, since the homework is clearly much less and more enjoyable” 可知,manyan感到轻松是因为家庭作业越来越少了。故选d。
细节理解题。根据第三段“liu yang, 14, said she visited the tianjin science and technology museum”可知,在假期期间她去了天津科技博物馆。故选d。
细节理解题。根据第四段“some students, however, feel anxious about the changes. “i used to take many tutoring classes, but now ive lost their instruction and need to make progress on my own,”said ninth-grader zhou xiuwei from nanjing,“i felt more stressed this holiday.”可知,在“双减政策”后周秀伟感觉更焦虑,更有压力了。故选c。
细节理解题。根据第五段“the goal of the double reduction policy, according to wang jian, director of the education department at shanghai normal university is to let students learn more efficiently and develop all-round abilities.”可知,“双减政策”的目标是让学生学习更有效率,全面发展能力。故选b。


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