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style=\”position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;\”>玛丽娅教育培训机构"第一届 英语有声绘本制 作大赛"知足

<h3>my name is cao jiahao. i am 12 years old, aries, playing king glory. ha ha… other information,o(∩_∩)o</h3><h3>我的名字叫曹佳皓,我本年12岁,白羊座,爱玩《王者光彩》,哈哈……其他信息嘛,无可奉告,o(∩_∩)o</h3> <h3>my name is liu ruitian. i am twelve years old. i am a junior student. my major is painting and watercolor.
</h3> <h3>my

name is zhang zeyu. i am 13 years old. i am a junior student. i like playing basketball very much, and i also like playing the piano.

</h3><h3>我叫张泽宇,我本年13岁,是一位大学的学生,我非常喜爱打篮球,还喜爱弹钢琴。<br></h3> <h3>请我们往下看,来看一下咱们小组的作品吧!</h3> <h3>咱们的图像展示到此结束,记住给咱们投票偶,??????</h3> <h3>哦,还有,祝参加竞赛的同学获得好成果,祝玛利亚15岁生日高兴,越办越好(^_^)</h3>



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